
Do you teach a foreign child or pupil and lack the key input information? Would you like to get basic, comprehensive and broad knowledge about teaching Czech as a second language? Pay attention to this training programme.

About E-learning module TTI

This e-learning module was created during the TTI project to be accessible on-line on website of the project coordinator which is National Institute of further education (Národní institut pro další vzdělávání). We made it as a tool for teachers working with pupils children of foreigners to help them with every day matters concerning their pedagogical practice. We prepared this module in cooperation with different experts from the National Institute of further education (NIDV) and from other partner organizations. The platform is freely accessible. The user name and password for each participant (learner) is necessary and provided freely by NIDV.

The following acces is a kind of preview:


user: kontrola

password: testovani19

For more information contact please contact: kynclova@nidv.cz


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