About the project

The National Institute for Further Education became at the end of 2016 the coordinator of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnership in Vocational Training, focusing on the preparation of teachers for the inclusion of children of foreigners in mainstream education.

The activities of the project will last for 20 months and its partners are CEMEA Neapol (Italy), the State Pedagogical Institute (Slovakia) and the 1st General Lyceum of Trikala (Greece) in addition to NIDV. The aim of the project is to create a methodological framework that will support teachers in the educational process and the inclusion of children of foreigners in schools and school facilities. In addition to formal education, project implementers also want to prepare teachers in the field of informal and leisure time activities of schools and school facilities. The main outputs of the project will include an analysis of the current state of integration of immigrant children into formal and non-formal education in areas where participant institutions operate, an e-learning educational program for teachers and an international workshop in Bratislava.

Some materials will be available in both English and national languages, ie Czech, Slovak, Italian and Greek.

The Erasmus + Teacher’s Training to the Inclusion of Children of Foreigners (TTI) project has completed twenty months of implementation

At the end of May 2018, the Erasmus + project Teacher’s Training for the Inclusion of Children of Foreigners (TTI) was completed with a final report submitted in August 2018 to The Centre for International Cooperation in Education (DZS).

As mentioned above the National Institute for Further Education became at the end of 2016 the coordinator of this project. The twenty months lasting project Erasmus + and its activities ended in May 2018. NIDV chose the Slovak State Educational Institute, the 1st General Lyceum of Trikala and the Italian non-profit organization CEMEA Napoli.

During the project, four partner meetings took place – Prague (10/2016), Naples (4/2017), Bratislava (11/2017) and Trikala (4/2018). In addition to the project work meetings, methodological visits to schools and school facilities, an international seminar, discussions with representatives of organizations working with migrants took place.

The project work has been closely interconnected with the activities of the Supporting Portal of educators / NIDV alumni and experts involved in its activities.

The last project meeting in Triklala was to summarize the outputs of the project and to present the NIDV e-learning offered within the Portal for Supporting Educational Workers Educating Children / Students – Foreigners. The e-learning module created within the project will thus become a part of the DVPP and at the same time, the project partners in their activities will use it as it is translated at the same time into the English language.

Other products (excluding e-learning) of the project are input status quo analysis mapping the current status of legislation and education in individual countries. In addition, a questionnaire on the needs of primary and secondary school teachers in Italy, Greece, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, including its evaluation, a list of organizations working in the field of working with children and pupils of foreigners in the individual countries of the project and the respective regions. Finally yet importantly, a number of presentations on the theme of inclusion and migration in project partner countries and examples of good practice.

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